
Monday 9 June 2014

Facebook Marketing Mania Become The Next Social Media Mogul By Mastering Facebook Marketing

Before there was Facebook™, there were other online social networking sites such Friendster™, MySpace™ and Hi5™. Social networking sites were the next hot thing in the web 2.0 era, where not only could people pour out tons of user generated content with ease, they could share it with their “friends” or online social contacts.

Sunday 8 June 2014


If Facebook was a country, it would be the 3rd largest country in the world right after China and India. 

That is how fast Facebook is growing and is the most visited website on the planet.

If you do not tap into this massive source of traffic immediately, you would potentially be missing out of tons 
of new leads and traffic for your business.

Saturday 7 June 2014


Depending in which country of the United Kingdom you live in the procedures and implications of bankruptcy vary. In Scotland it is a fairly straightforward process whereas in England and Wales the procedure is much more complicated. In Northern Ireland the process is different again.

Although personal bankruptcy is possible in England in Wales it is seldom used because of its complex nature. If you have debts arising from running a business, rather than personal debts, it is quite possible that you will be forced into bankruptcy, but that is a whole different situation and is outwith the scope of this guide where only personal debts are considered.

In England and Wales instead of bankruptcy, it is more usual to enter into an Individual Voluntary Agreement. This is a process where the debtor agrees to allow the court to appoint a supervisor who will take charge of the case and see that creditors are dealt with equitably. If it becomes necessary for goods to be seized and sold, the supervisor will divide the proceeds between creditors, after court fees have been paid.

If it is possible to avoid going as far as an IVA you can have the court issue an Administration Order. Here an administrator will take a monthly payment from you and distribute it to your creditors. This process will save you from having any of your property seized provided that you can keep up the monthly payments to the court. If you are being taken to court by one or more creditors, you may wish to consider this option.

The Bankruptcy (Scotland) act (1985) has as its main provision that once debt exceeds £750, either the creditor or debtor (or both) can petition the control and distribution of the debtor's assets by a trustee. This will involve no new actions against the debtor and liabilities will be discharged after three years.

Debt recovery in Northern Ireland is regulated by the Payments for Debts Act (1971) and the Judgements Enforcement Act (1969). The former allows deductions from any statutory benefit for any statutory debt. You can have money deducted at source from wages or state benefits to pay your creditors.

The Judgements Enforcement Act provides for an enforcements office (EJO) to which creditors apply once they have a judgement from the courts. Once the debtor's case is accepted the EJO interacts with the debtor and decides the appropriate methods of recovery. Where the debtor has insufficient means, a certificate of unenforceability can be issued. This is technically the same as bankruptcy.

If you are forced into, or decide voluntarily to apply for, bankruptcy, all your disposable assets, with the exception of some basic necessities such as a bed, clothing, tools of your trade, cutlery, crockery, etc., will be seized and sold at auction to raise funds towards payment of your debts.

If you are forced into bankruptcy anywhere in the UK, your debts are automatically discharged after 3 years and you can start with a 'clean slate'. The exceptions to this are :

Secured creditors, where, if your home has been sold you are liable for any shortfall between the selling price and the amount you owe. You are also liable for interest until the debt has been discharged.

Fines, maintenance orders and family court orders.

Claims made against you for causing personal injury.

Debts incurred through fraud.

Any matter upon which the trustee is still working.

If you own your own home it is possible that you can keep this. Largely this will depend on the equity of the property. If the home is valued at much more than you owe to the mortgage company, you may be forced to sell to release the equity. If there is little or no equity, or indeed negative equity, on the home then, providing that you continue to make mortgage payments, there is every chance that you will not be forced to sell. It is only the case where there is equity tied up in your property that anyone other than your mortgage lender can force a sale anyway.

If you are unemployed and have your mortgage interest payments made directly by the DSS, and your house value is around the same as the outstanding mortgage it is unlikely that you will be forced to sell. One problem which you may have in this situation is that the endowment policy for your home (interest only endowment mortgages) will still need to be paid and the DSS will not offer assistance with it.

If you are in rented accommodation you may have a lease which states that a bankrupt is not allowed to be a tenant and your landlord could force an eviction if this were the case. Also, even if there is no mention in the lease of bankrupt tenants being disallowed, your landlord may force you out because he feels it will be impossible to recover rent arrears from a bankrupt. In this case you will have to apply for specialist housing advice. See your local council housing department about this.

Anyone who is bankrupt will not be allowed (until after discharge) to have credit of more than £250 - you will find it almost impossible to get any credit at all though.

You should try and keep a bank account because as a bankrupt you will be unlikely to even be able to open one of these.

Although the debts are discharged after three years you may well find it almost impossible to get any kind of credit for a period of six years after the issue of the bankruptcy order, because this is the period of time that the credit reference agencies will keep your details on file.

So, all in all, particularly in England & Wales, bankruptcy is best avoided if at all possible. If you closely follow the advice given in this guide then you should be able to avoid bankruptcy. Even your creditors will not want to force you into bankruptcy in all but the most unusual of cases. They are fully aware that if you become bankrupt they are unlikely to get anything but a very small percentage of what is owed to them and are much more inclined to accept reduced payments, particularly in the hope that your situation will improve.


When you're in serious debt and worried about it, this guide should help a great deal. Possibly you will find enough information in this guide to help you to solve all your debt problems.

However, in some cases you may need further information, particularly regarding your legal position if things really have been left so late that the situation seems totally unmanageable. In this case you might want to contact a debt councillor, a solicitor or even, if you are being forced into bankruptcy, an insolvency practitioner.

Advice about how to manage debts is available from all Citizens Advice Bureaux. The advice they give is free. You can find the closest one to you by looking in your telephone directory. The name and address of their head office is given in Section Fifteen.

If you need to consult a solicitor you should try and find one who offers legal aid and ask if you are entitled to this free service. Your entitlement will depend on your circumstances.

If you are being forced into bankruptcy then you may wish to consult an insolvency practitioner. The fees for this will be relatively high, but they will not expect you to pay them directly. They will be paid from the liquidation of your assets.

You can telephone the National Debtline on 0121 359 8501 for free confidential information and advice. Their telephone lines are staffed on Monday and Thursday between 10a.m. and 4p.m. and on Tuesday and Wednesday between 2p.m. and 7p.m. If you call outwith these times your call will be answered by an answering machine.

There are a few Money Advice Centres around the country - if you have one near you your Citizens Advice Bureau will advise, or you can find them in the phone book. The advice offered by these centres is free of charge and, because they specialise in advising people about money matters, if there is one which you can visit it is a better bet than your CAB.


Once you have made arrangements to pay debts at a small fraction of the original instalments, whether through a court or directly with your creditors or debt collection agencies, and have made payments over a period of time, it is worth considering making an offer for full and final settlement.

If you are paying only a tiny portion of the original instalment and your creditor knows that the debt will take years to clear, they will often accept a small portion of the total amount outstanding to fully discharge the debt.


If you were to have had unmanageable debts in the Victorian era then you could have ended up in a debtors prison. Thankfully there are no debtors prisons any more. Unfortunately in this country there is still a great deal of stigma attached to having debt problems.

However, as already stated earlier, there are so many millions of people with debt problems today that it is really quite surprising that, apart from the real worry that having debt problems can cause, this is further compounded by being embarrassed or even ashamed of the situation. Don't be - being in debt is not a criminal offence - and whatever problems it causes, these can always be overcome with determination and effort.

Thursday 5 June 2014


If you become unemployed and have no other source of income then you will be entitled to a range of benefits from the state to help you deal with the hardship of having no salary or wage.

Because the range of benefits available, from a variety of sources, is vast and because legislation changes with great frequency it is pointless to attempt to give detailed advice about what is available and what you may be entitled to.


You must do all you can to keep your creditors on your side. The best course of action is to contact any creditor you have as soon as you know you are going to have a problem keeping to the schedule of repayments originally agreed.

You can telephone them, and most will be very helpful. Because of the large number of people who have got themselves into a problem with credit and end up having to make reductions in instalments, they will certainly not be surprised when you contact them to discuss your situation.


The most important thing in any situation where things become unmanageable is to get a clear picture of the situation and do everything in your power to set things straight. Never ignore the problems....they won't go away!

If you are in the unfortunate position of having more credit than you can repay at the original agreed rates then you must make arrangements to have these rates substantially reduced, so as to turn the situation from one of apparent hopelessness into one which you can handle.

As you will be told in any publication that offers advice to people with debt problems, you must first get a wholly clear picture of your situation and then formulate a strategy for dealing with it.

The first step you should take is to make a list of all the money you owe. This should include everything, even money owed on a casual basis. This will give you a realistic overall picture of the extent of the problem.

When you have listed all your debts, including your mortgage if you have one, you should then make a list of the repayment instalments which were originally agreed. Once you've made such a list you should add all the amounts together to arrive at a figure for your monthly outgoings.

Also, calculate the amount you need to spend each month on the necessities of life; food, clothing, etc. Add this to the monthly outgoings figure from all your credit. If this figure exceeds your total monthly income, then you don't need to be a genius to work out that you are in a financial situation which is most definitely problematical.

By writing down all your incomings and outgoings as suggested above, you should immediately feel some sense of relief that at least you are beginning to address the problem. As the old saying goes - "A problem recognised is a problem halved".

Of course the "half" of the problem which is "solved" by arriving at the stage of it being properly recognised in the first place is, obviously, the easy half. The other "half" of the problem is the part which is going to take some effort to overcome.

When you explain your reasons to creditors for the difficulties you are having in keeping up payments they will much more often than not handle your case in a reasonable and sympathetic fashion. Believe me, they are used to hearing from people with repayment problems.


Being in a situation where the repayments on the money you owe amount to more than the money you have coming in is a situation which no one wants to find themselves in.

However, even in cases where a debtor has been very prudent to not borrow beyond his or her means, there can be unforeseen changes in circumstances which can suddenly change the situation from one of manageable proportions to exactly the opposite.


More fortunes have been made in property than any other area. This is the case for most countries in the world, and certainly for all the economically highly developed countries. The great majority of people fail to make fortunes in property dealing because they imagine that it takes a great deal of expert knowledge and experience and a lot of capital.

Naturally, having capital of your own for any business venture, whether it be property, manufacturing or the provision of a service, would be a good thing. But you may be surprised to know that the vast majority of people who have created vast wealth for themselves through property buying and selling, have done so with money which is not theirs.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


Because our government is concerned to promote exporting of British goods to overseas markets there is a great deal of government sponsored finance available to the firm or individual who wishes to sell British goods to overseas customers.

The government runs an export credit programme which provides insurance against political and commercial risks involved when selling to foreign buyers and to maximise the attractiveness of terms offered to overseas customers.


If you borrow money by obtaining a loan, it is referred to as 'debt' capital. Another source of finance for business is 'equity' capital. Although this is, in the strictest sense of the word, not really borrowing, but exchanging rights to receive certain financial benefits in exchange for providing capital.

Obtaining money from a lender involves the necessity of repaying what has been borrowed, along with an agreed amount of interest. So borrowing money in this way involves the repayment of more than was borrowed. It costs you money to borrow money. You must be sure that any money raised in this way can be used to produce enough of an income which will be large enough to repay the principal, the interest and give an overall, worthwhile profit in addition.

Equity money, on the other hand is money that you can raise which does not need to be paid back. It is essentially funding for which you pledge part of your companies assets in exchange for.

The best way to get equity capital is to go public. Form a public limited company and sell shares to interested investors. Although you are technically 'selling' something in return for this capital, you are not actually having to dispose of any assets, so the money so obtained comes in without the need to give anything up in return for it.

Of course you must retain control of the company by ensuring that you keep ownership of at least 51% of the shares issued. As the main owner you have the final say in how the company is to be run.

So, when you raise equity money, your company does not have to have made a sale of any product. It can raise up to several millions of pounds operating capital without having to dispose of either stock or assets. This capital can be used for a multitude of purposes. You can use it to pay off debts, salaries, rent, taxes, buy property and stock, pay for expenses and running costs and to launch a new marketing campaign in your drive towards profitability.

Another method of borrowing money which you can keep indefinitely is to take out loans to repay existing loans. When the new loan needs to be repaid, take out a further loan to repay it. This may sound somewhat strange as you will have to pay interest on the money borrowed. However, if you need finance in the long term and can use the money to produce enough profit to repay the interest but do not wish to repay the capital, this is an excellent method of doing so.

What to do is to apply for credit at twice the number of banks from which you would actually accept loans. So, if you applied to a dozen banks for £5,000 from each one, and accepted a loan from only half of them, you would raise £30,000. If you have these loans for the short term, i.e. 60 days, you could then go to the remaining six banks and accept the six £5,000 loans to pay off the original ones. This process could be continued so that you are constantly paying back loans with other loans.

This may seem like an unsound way of financing business deals, but when you have access to opportunities which produce sufficient profit to pay for the interest charges and give you a good income also, it can be very useful in that you are not burdened by the need to repay the principal sum borrowed. Or at least to not repay it from your own pocket.

Although this system can be employed to keep the borrowed money indefinitely, the idea is that you should use it for investing in money-making deals which will tie up the capital for the long term. After a prolonged period, and once you have made sufficient profits, the business transactions in which you have taken part should ultimately produce sufficient profits to repay the capital outright.

I have a friend who borrows money using this method and buys property to furnish and let out to tenants. The rental income is always sufficient to repay interest and leave him with a good income. After a few years the property is usually resold to make a capital gain, leaving him with funds to repay the capital borrowed with a tidy sum left over as pure profit for future investment.


Using personal loans and credit cards to raise money for money-making deals is one way of financing your business 100%.

However, if you apply for a business loan, your bank will normally only be prepared to lend you an amount equal to that which you can put up front yourself.


When I used my credit cards to raise finance for rapid growth business deals I was able to raise over £70,000 on cards alone. I could raise a further £30,000 or so on overdrafts and 'personal reserve' accounts with agreed borrowing limits.

There are many opportunities to make a lot of money in a short time when you have the capital to invest. Naturally, because of the high interest rates payable for cash borrowing on credit cards, the only reason you should borrow large sums of money using this method is to invest in opportunities which virtually guarantee a good profit in a short time.


As discussed in chapters one and two it is possible to build up an excellent credit rating which will allow you to borrow large sums of money from banks.

Providing that you always make agreed payments in full and on time you can then move on to building up a large collection of credit cards. Start with a Visa and Mastercard from all the banks that you have borrowed from. Then apply for cards from any other banks which provide credit cards.

Tuesday 3 June 2014


It is something of a truism that success breeds success. Likewise with money. Money can be used to "breed" money. Provided you have access to the necessary capital in the first instance, and are careful about selecting the kind of opportunities which offer a high return for a minimal risk, you can earn a very worthwhile income...using other peoples' money!


Once you have established a credit rating as described in chapter one you are in a position to borrow thousands from the banks with which you have been dealing.

Go to each of the half dozen or so banks from which you deposited and borrowed £500 (or whatever sum you were able to use) and request a personal loan application.

Fill out the loan application for a sum of between £500 and, say, £2,000. Even if you apply to borrow only £500 from each of six banks, that still amounts to a total of £3,000.


People who have CCJ'S (County Court Judgements) for bad debts will always find it very difficult to borrow money from established lenders such as banks and building societies. As outlined in chapter one, it is possible to get around this by using the method of leaving money on deposit as security for any loan.


Today it is virtually impossible to survive and prosper financially without a good credit rating. There have been times in the past when I have taken business risks that turned out very badly and I have lost a lot of money. Even worse than losing the money itself is the damage that serious business failure can do to your credit rating.


Most people end up paying far more for their mortgage than they really should. In the first place there seems to be a kind of universal rule that the mortgage term should last over 25 years - the idea of this is obviously to keep the monthly expenditure to a minimum. But have you ever considered how much you could save if you reduced the term to only 20 years?

MONEY TRICKY TRICK :The Fourth step; Creating an External Linking Structure That Will Blast Your Site to the Top of Google

Search rankings for a specific keyword are primarily driven by the backlinks to your website using that keyword in the anchor text. But not all backlinks are treated equally.

The more powerful a back link is, the more "juice" it flows into your website. And the more "link juice" that flows into your website, the higher your website ranks in search results. So both quantity and quality of back links are important in ranking higher in search results.

MONEY TRICKY TRICK : Third Step Creating a Site That Will Attract Tremendous Amounts of Traffic

Once you have chosen your keywords you are ready to build your site. For your domain name you should strive for an exact match domain (EMD) if available. So if your keyword is 'women car insurance' you'll go for if this is not available try the .net, .info or any other TLD that happens to be available.

EMD domains used to get you a big advantage with Google - but not anymore. Unfortunately Google has changed their algo regarding EMDs but it can still get you some extra points, and of course anything that Google gives we are willing to take.

MONEY TRICKY TRICK : Second Step Monetizing Your Site

The Simple Strategy's business model is based on 2 sources of income:
a. Google AdSense ads.
b. Affiliate Programs
Which is better? there is no clear answer to this question. Some niches will produce better with affiliate programs while others with AdSense, you should test on a niche by niche bases. Usually you'll make more money with an affiliate site, unfortunately there may be many instances where you will find a good niche with keywords that can be easily ranked but no suitable affiliate program, in this case you'll use AdSense ads, and by the way, this will happen to you a lot.

MONEY TRICY TRICKS: First Step Discovering Profit-Driving Keywords

The way my strategy works is simple. You focus on creating quick little sites that each target a laser targeted long-tail keywords. Once you complete one site you quickly move onto the next. So you don't want to spend too much time on any one site. This way you create, one by one, an army of passive income websites that keep producing cash for years.
I'll show you exactly how to create and promote your first money making website, than you just rinse and repeat to create as many websites as you wish, the more sites you create the more money you make. The only limit is how far you want to go.
Now let's not waste any more time and move directly to the first component of the strategy which deals with deciding on the keywords your site is going to target. This is a crucial decision and a fundamental part of achieving success online. You could do everything else perfectly, but target the wrong keywords and your site will be a total failure. in this chapter I'll tell you exactly what to look for when searching for good solid keywords.

Monday 2 June 2014

MONEY TRICKY TRICK : Making Money Online Beginners Tips and Ideas

The following list of tips is meant to provide new comers with basic Internet Marketing advice to help improve their initial online marketing activities. It can also serve as an introduction to online marketing. Note that these tips are not necessary related to my strategy but rather constitute general internet marketing advice. If you are an experienced online marketer you may want to skip this chapter and go directly to the next one where I start explaining my simple, yet highly effective, strategy of making lots of money online.
Now here are the tips: